Powers of attorney
The matters concerning electricity contracts are personal, which is why the contracting party must contact us personally. If the contracting party is prevented from doing so, another person who is of age can be authorised with a power of attorney to take care of the matters concerning the electricity contract.
Fill in the power of attorney, print it out and sign it. You can deliver the power of attorney to our customer service either
- by scanning and emailing it to asiakaspalvelu@oomi.fi
- by sending it by post to the address Oomi Oy, Customer service, Yrttipellontie 1, 90230 Oulu
Basic power of attorney
You can print out the power of attorney template here.
You will need the following information for a power of attorney:
- The donor (customer number, name, personal identity code, phone number, email)
- The attorney (name, personal identity code, phone number, email)
- The power of attorney’s period of validity, valid until further notice / for a fixed-term until x.x.xxxx
- Authorisation, e.g. ‘I hereby authorise the person I have named to comprehensively manage the matters concerning my electricity contracts with Oomi Energia Oy’
- Time and date
- Signatures and names in block letters – the donor and attorney
Power of attorney for managing the affairs of an estate
The parties to an estate decide upon the affairs of the estate together. The estate may grant a power of attorney to one of the parties in order to authorise them to manage the matters concerning an electricity contract. In addition to the power of attorney, the attorney needs a copy of the estate inventory deed. If an inventory of the estate has yet to be carried out, a power of attorney from the other parties to the estate is sufficient.
You can print out the power of attorney template for managing the affairs of an estate here.
You will need the following information for a power of attorney:
- The deceased (customer number, name, personal identity code, date of death)
- The attorney (name, personal identity code, phone number, email)
- Authorisation (e.g. ‘We hereby authorise the person we have named to comprehensively manage the matters concerning the estate’s electricity contracts with Oomi Energia Oy.’
- The parties to the estate (signature, name in block letters, personal identity code, place and date)