Oomi Flex – influence the price of your electricity by timing your consumption

Combine the best aspects of a fixed-price contract and exchange electricity – influence the price of your electricity by timing your consumption to take place during the affordable days and hours of the day. Choose between a 12-month or 24-month fixed-term contract.

Choose between a 12-month or 24-month fixed-term contract

The price of a fixed-term Oomi Flex electricity contract consists of three parts:

  • monthly basic fee (€/month)
  • fixed price of electricity (c/kWh)
  • consumption impact (c/kWh).

The basic fee and price of electricity remain fixed through the entire contract period. The consumption impact (c/kWh) varies monthly based on how you time your consumption, and is thus not fixed. The consumption impact is typically approximately between -3.6 and + 2.6 c/kWh *. The electricity contract is for a fixed term, after which your contract is automatically renewed and will remain valid until further notice. We will send you a notification of the renewal in advance.

Oomi Flex 24 kk
Fixed price of electricity
7.39 c/kWhincl. VAT 25.5%
Estimated consumption impact*
+0.2 c/kWh incl. VAT 25.5%

Oomi´s customers have had an average consumption impact: +0.2 c/kWh.

Basic fee First 3 month 0.00 /monthincl. VAT 25.5%
And thereafter 5.90 /monthincl. VAT 25.5%
Oomi Flex 12 kk
Fixed price of electricity
7.49 c/kWhincl. VAT 25.5%
Estimated consumption impact*
+0.20 c/kWh incl. VAT 25.5%

Oomi´s customers have had an average consumption impact: +0.20 c/kWh.

Basic fee 5.90 /monthincl. VAT 25.5%

What would you say to a fixed price electricity contract that provides you with added benefits if you time your electricity consumption to take place during the affordable days and hours of the day? Sounds good, right? Oomi Flex is a one-year (12-month) or two-year (24-month) fixed-term contract that combines the best aspects of fixed price and exchange electricity. Sign your new electricity contract here!

How does an Oomi Flex contract work?

You sign a fixed-term (12 or 24 months) Oomi Flex electricity contract at a fixed price.

  • If you time your electricity consumption to take place during the more affordable days and hours of the day, you can reduce your monthly electricity bill.
  • Conversely, if you consume electricity mainly during the most expensive hours of the day, your electricity bill will correspondingly be higher.

To help time your electricity consumption, you can make use of spot price data, which will show you the hourly price of exchange electricity today and tomorrow. You can also monitor your consumption and the development of the consumption impact over the course of a month via the Oomi Online service.

The estimated impact of timing your electricity consumption is typically between -3.6 and +2.6 c/kWh*. You can see the actual monthly consumption impact on your electricity bill.

What is the consumption impact?

The consumption impact means the difference between the average price weighted with the customer’s consumption and the average exchange price. The consumption impact is dependent on the distribution of your consumption between the more affordable and expensive hours. The impact varies based on the monthly per-hour electricity consumption and the hourly prices of exchange electricity, which is why it is not fixed. 

The consumption impact (c/kWh) is determined based on the Finnish regional per-hour price of electricity (c/kWh), as published by the Nordic electricity exchange (Nord Pool AS), and the customer’s hourly consumption (kWh). In other words, the consumption impact means the difference between the average price weighted with the customer’s consumption and the average exchange price. 

How is the consumption impact calculated?

With an Oomi Flex contract, you can influence the price of your electricity by timing your electricity consumption to take place during the more affordable hours of the day.

How is the consumption impact calculated? We calculate your average electricity price by multiplying the spot price of each hour by your consumption during that hour and then dividing the result by your total consumption that month. The consumption impact is the difference between your average electricity price and the monthly average spot price.

Your average electricity price = spot price of each hour * your hourly consumption / total consumption that month
Your consumption impact = your average electricity price - the monthly average spot price

The adjacent figure shows how the consumption impact of Oomi's customers varies. For a proportion of our Flex contracts, the consumption impact is close to the average 0.2 c/kWh. The consumption impact typically follows the normal distribution presented in the figure, depending on the consumption behaviour.

Fixed-term electricity contract

With a fixed-term electricity contract, the price of electricity and the basic fee remain the same throughout the contract period, but the consumption impact increases or decreases the total price of your electricity bill depending on your consumption. A fixed-term electricity contract is binding for both you and us: you cannot change your contract during the contract, nor can we change the price or terms of your contract. The only valid reason for terminating a fixed-term contract during the contract period is moving, as an electricity contract is always dwelling-specific.

Why Oomi Flex?

  • No need to worry about the price of electricity.
  • Take advantage of the consumption impact – if you time your electricity consumption to take place during the more affordable days and hours of the day, you can reduce your consumption impact and thus your monthly electricity bill.
  • The electricity contract is binding for both you and Oomi for its entire duration.
  • You can choose to have your electricity generated from renewable or emissions-free sources.