Online service
You can now find all your electricity contract details in one place. The Online service contains the electricity consumption details of your home, all information related to your electricity sales contract as well as invoices.
You can see the details related to electricity transmission by using the e-services of your local electricity network company.
How to start using the Online service
- Register with the service with your online banking credentials or a mobile certificate. A confirmation of your registration will be sent to your e-mail.
2. You can start using the Online service after registration. You can log in to the service with the ID and password you have provided or through an online bank.
3. The Online service’s user instructions offer tips and help with using the service.
The Online service shows your electricity contracts: expired and current contracts, their periods of validity, the product as well as the prices of new contracts.
The Online service contains your electricity invoices from the invoicing of April 2020 onwards.
Reporting service
The reporting service allows you to examine the electricity consumption of your locations of use, from the annual level to the hourly level, monitor the trends in consumption and compare your consumption to the consumption of other similar locations of use.