Oomi Fixed

Oomi Fixed 24 mth
8.39 c/kWhincl. VAT 25.5%
Basic fee First 3 month 0.00 /monthincl. VAT 25.5%
And thereafter 5.90 /monthincl. VAT 25.5%

With a fixed-term Oomi Fixed contract, you can take care of electricity for a longer period of time at once. The price will stay the same, making things easier to anticipate when you know what you will be paying for electricity in the next few years.

The contract is fixed-term and has a fixed price for the selected contract period, after which the contract will remain in effect until further notice. We will notify you of this well in advance.

Oomi Fixed is well-suited for you if you want to avoid the price fluctuations on the market.

Why Oomi Fixed?

  • The contract is binding on both you and Oomi throughout the contract period  
  • You will know how much you will be paying for electricity – the price will remain the same regardless of market fluctuations 
  • You can update your electricity generation method to a renewable one